We are being inundated with manifestos for the Welsh Assembly elections, and every newspaper and television channel seems to be trying to help us make a decision on whom we should vote for.
As soon as this is over, it will all start again over the ‘in/out’ referendum over membership of the European Union.
At the last Welsh assembly election only just over 40% of the eligible electorate voted. In all of the elections for the Assembly the turnout has never reached 50%.
I am one of the people who have lived in Wales during the whole time that there has been a Welsh Assembly and have never once voted. In fact I have never voted in any type of election.
This is not because I am apathetic by nature, or have a radical political point to make. It is because I have religious conviction.
I do recognise that this Country, indeed this World urgently needs a solution to it’s problems, such as war, famine, disease and poverty to name but a few you know all too well. But I do not believe that, no matter how well meaning, men and women have a solution, no matter who may be elected.
The clear message of the Bible is that the God of the Bible, who created the heavens and the earth and all things therein does have a plan and purpose with our world. That purpose centres on the return of the return of His son, Jesus Christ, to rule over the world as it’s King.
The Bible presents us with Jesus’ ‘manifesto’ including:
- Justice and fairness (Isaiah 11:4)
- Help for the poor and needy (Psalm 72:13,14)
- World peace (Micah 4:3)
- An abundance of food (Psalm 72:16)
- The cure of all disease, suffering and death (Revelation 21:4)
- A kingdom that will last forever (Daniel 2:44)
The Old Testament prophet Daniel demonstrates that ‘God works in the kingdom of men’ in bringing about His purpose. A true follower of Jesus Christ recognises that they are ‘strangers and pilgrims in the earth’ waiting for His return. (See Daniel 2:44)
By accepting that God is in control, whoever is voted into power is the person God wants and therefore if I vote for the person or party that does not get elected I am voting against God’s will. Not something the true follower of Christ should do!
However, I do live in this world and the Bible teaches that I should ‘render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s’. That is to say that I must obey the law of the State and live a life without the ‘reproach of men’, provided that the State does not ask me to compromise God’s commands.
I am not voting in the forthcoming elections because my chosen candidate isn’t standing –yet!
‘The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever’. (Revelation 11:15)
*Join us at 6pm on 24th April in our hall, Foundry Road, Ammanford to hear a special talk entitled ‘Elections – Who deserves your vote?’. All are welcome to attend!