In the Bible we read what God and Jesus say about teaching children.
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. And these are the words I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up”. Deuteronomy 6 v 5-7
‘Then the little children were brought to Him (Jesus) that he might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, “Let little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven”. And He laid His hands on them, and departed from there’. Matthew 19 v13-15
The Bible is for everyone no matter what their age, however sometimes it can be difficult as a parent, grandparent or Sunday school teacher to engage children with God’s word. We want them to fall in love with the Bible like we have and want them to learn more about God and His plan for us.
To do this sometimes we have to think a little bit differently, to find a way that it will relate to them and the things they like doing. We all learn in different ways so in order to make the Bible engaging for children we need to find a way that it will really engage them.
From young babies, singing songs and simple Bible stories books especially those with animals is a great way to start teaching them about the Bible.
For children sometimes just reading through passages of scripture doesn’t excite them, so it can be good to pick topics or themes that are of interest to your children. If your child likes super heroes, then look at heroes in the Bible, even looking at the villains in the Bible can be fun providing many lessons for them.
If your child likes acting you could try getting them to put together their own little plays about parts of the Bible you have been reading together.
Bible journaling is also a great way to engage children, especially those who love drawing or painting, it doesn’t need to be fancy it can be as simple, like after reading a passage together, ask them to draw something about what was read. They could even write out and illustrate a favourite verse.
Music is another great way to get them to enjoy God’s word, singing songs or making their own songs relating to something that has been read.
Anything that makes it fun for your children. It doesn’t have to be particularly structured, it may just be making a point of talking about a Bible story or verse as they play, when out for a walk or over a meal. Having biblical songs and hymns playing in your house, may spark your children to ask questions.
If your children are older get them involved by asking them what part of the Bible they would like to read or study. This may help them to take ownership of what you are doing and to be invested in it.
Most importantly make it fun and age appropriate. Let them see how passionate we have for God’s word the Bible and what it teaches us as well as them.
Quotations taken from New King James Bible