Light at the end of the tunnel


The world’s longest and deepest rail tunnel was opened officially in Switzerland recently, after almost two decades of construction work. The 57l metre long twin-bore Gotthard base tunnel will provide a high speed rail link under the Swiss Alps between northern and southern Europe. Switzerland believes the tunnel will revolutionise European freight transport. Goods currently carried by a million lorries a year will be carried by train instead.

Although it is easier to travel across Europe today, the political/social and economic situations there, as in most parts of the globe, are fraught with problems. There does not appear to be any light at the end of the world’s political/social/economic tunnel.

Jesus warned that world chaos would dominate prior to his return. He told his disciples that there would be “….. upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven will be shaken”(Luke 21:25-26). The Greek word for “perplexity” means “finding no solution, at one’s wit’s end, having no idea how to proceed”.

Can we not see the beginnings of this perplexity in the world today? We see financial uncertainty, migrant crises, Middle East turmoil, Russian aggression, global warming and famine to name but a few issues causing fear, distress and perplexity. Who has the answer?

Having described the chaos to come upon the world, Jesus goes on to say “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near”(Luke 21:27-28). Jesus, the Light of the World, is to bring the Kingdom of God and solve all the world’s problems. Please read Psalm 72, a wonderful picture of the Kingdom of God on this earth. To a true Christian, the light at the end of the tunnel of human experience is the coming again of Jesus to the earth. On a personal level the Christian’s salvation is totally dependent on this event. For the survival of the planet it is absolutely essential. Now is the time to come to the light of the Gospel.


Quotes from NKJV Bible

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